If we study the initial or early pages of Alvi history, then many things comes and appear in our mind, with putting mentally stress.
The things and blame’s victim was the authors of history Bab ul Awan Molvi Noor ud Din Salmani.
In reality who is the writer, who writes for money who wrote a book on the will of Hakeem Ghulam Nabi. In which book was written irrelevant to facts? And which book was distributed free of cost?
To get knowledge of all these, we are going to open Alvi history. The first pages writings of Alvi history is very attentive.
We can asses above mentioned writing that on whose will this book was writing and distributed if the same task was to be taken from Molvi Noor ud Din then a sector is throwing a mire after even a long span of time a center erg). At the start of his book Molvi Noor ud Din writes in his book’s 1st page
“A humble request to special Molvi Hakeem Dr. Zaida Hukma LHR, is that who is a proud of nation and able of admiration. His medical dept in his city is best going in a best ways.
He gave many instructions about it on page 40 and there are a lot of his verbally sayings. His request will compelled me enough that I got ready and was active to write.
Although, I don’t have complete shortage.
Also a consequences which was prepared by Hazrat Mian Sahab and was in my father’s time and it was too old and deteriorated and deteriorated enough that even could not read out names at all/totally. I try to search these’s accuracy that may we got the consequences and try to compete it but could not find out.
I am very grateful to brother Wazeer Ali Awan who lived in Jamalpur and from him , I got that record of lineage after disappointed. And due to it many things accurate/completed.
Haji Muhammad Ishaq writes in the proface of Awan Nation History that I want to tell you that this families tree which I have written by my father Ch. Munshi Wazeer Ali and I thought to tell you this is my duty.
Which I brought it when I reached Pakistan from India.
The aim to publish is that community may get benefits from it.
Writes further on the page 2nd of the book Awan Nation History “The people of Awan’s nation says themselves the progeny of Hazrat Ali S/O Abi Talab R.A that they are the inhabitant’s of Arabs.
And progeny of Hazrat Abbas R.A) S/O Hazrat Ali R.A). In regard of their arrival further writes on the page 3rd.
“That came from Baghdad to Hairaat and then reached from Hairaat to Sub continent’s northern part of Punjab.
“Particularly in the mountain area Kohistan Salt Range such a nation is present in majority. And from here they spread countries “Shaam and Russia” and still in Punjab’s countries such a nation is present in different Districts of Punjab and their ancestors’s forefather are buried in Madina Munawra Jannat ul Baqee and Baghdad.
Their forefathers came into Punjab Hazrat Awon well known Qutab Shah by the order of Hazrat Ghos ul Azam for the sake of preach instruction) and many people went to Baghdad with all their /sons Ghoar and Ali and Hakim Din grandson) after accepting Islam as their religion it is up to thanking that Molvi Haider Ludhyanwi’s real cousin /son of his uncle) named Wazir Ali. Awan writing themselves as the progeny of Hazrat Abbas R.A and same lineage was linked to Hazrat Muhammad Hanfia by Molvi Haider Ali Ludhyanwi. How is it possible? And how he wrote Qutab Shah Aalvi messenger of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi province Punjab Lahore /LHR)
Although there is no reference in any time that of Qutab Shah that he is progeny of Hazrat Muhammad Hanfia. Molvi Haider Ali accepted and affirmed on the same page their tales/ Hearsay stones) and writes.
“Nothing is new, all the points/things are as same which is continue in nation as a tales /legendary tales)” and this is the storage of that travel which was done by “Baba baa ul Azam in Arab! And same is the case of Nasab that all brothers “Baand” heard from “Merasi Nisabon in the occasion their children’s marriage. And the difference is that there is doubt of error/mistake and it is written at peak tremendous research and accuracy. And I am also not saying that it must be accurate which was written by me”
The reality/truth of this book is in front of you and Molvi Haider Ali also accept “If any person/brother can write better then came to meet me” “Otherwise better is something then nothing”
Wazir Ali Awan who wrote “History of Awans’s nation” according to him. Awans are the progeny of Hazrat Abbas R.A and their majority is in the districts Nangra, Kamal pury Attock,Ludhyana are included.
Molvi Haider Ali Qutab Shah’s 16 sons are described. Names of 3 of them are:
Elder son Nasir Shah who is called “Kaarrwaa” because he always stood up.
2nd Mansoor Shah Khalghon because he always kept Kholghon on his head.
3rd named Ghoar Shah and his progeny is to be called Ghorri.
And no one remembered rest of the thirteen sons while, 17th son was to be included in them named Haarpal S/O Anandpal S/O J.pal because he got birth in Hazrats belley and he bestowed him equal rights and the rights were of his own sons and he said in his “will” that it was duty of my descendants that they considered Haarpal’s progeny descendants equal to me and equal to my sons.
So, they are considered to be pure Awans by every aspect. This is the research of Molvi Haider Ali which I kept in front of you or which is presented to you. You can easily asses by this book that how they proved even Hindus as pure Awans by describing fabulous or ordinary tales.
Qutab Shah was a strict religious person how can he do this irreligious act that he included a Hindu in his caste and then say to accept it as a Awan.
The bad loss was to be seen after that many newly Muslims penetrated into Rajpoot Awans and this thing can be asses that in 1881 there was a strength of Awans was less than 2 lacs and in 1931 there strength was 5 lacs but now the people who claimed to be Awans are crossed the 2 billion limit. After all these circumstances Hakeem Ghulam Nabi said Molvi Noor ud Din Salmani of 1st Ghafriri and then Khoffri and present Sadiq abbad to write Awans history. Who accepted responsibility and arranged history of “Zaad ul Awan and Baab ul Awan”.

Tareekh Alvi by Molvi Haider Ali Ludhianvi Reviews
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