After the incident of “Karbala” is start in which difficulties of progeny of Hazrat Ali Karamu l Allah Wajho) R.A’s reaches at a climax or at a peak.
Circumstances reaches on a stage that Alvies tend to charged their names and they soud forewell to “Arabs land” and Alvi are disintegrated in the surrounding countries. How history was written and how it was preserved, there is no authenticity except the references of “Nasaba” or a Narrator. Then daily attacks on Baghdad by Taa,Tari and sometimes by the persons of the same religious, same sector and in the same way.
Libraries were being burnt. The narrators and the writers who wrote Awans history, wrote ancestors of Awan’s Qutab Shah is the contemporary of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi.
The narrators of Awan’s history wrote warrior Masaood Ghazi and warrior Qutab Haider as the great warriors of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi and it was also wrote that “Qutab Haider” was the governor of “Hairaat and Lahore”.
Unfortunately, Awans writer or narrators could not proved by authentic references. These fabulous fiction.
In case of these Awans narrators claims there is totally silence about Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi and the people who were with him, even we found nothing except silence in authentic histories.
We see history “Behqi” and history “Yameeni” in contemplates books of Mehmood Ghaznavi.
There is no signs to see warrior Sahoo, Qutab Haider, warrior Atta ul Allah e.t.c in any history which is complete history by S/O of Aaseer and Roza tus saffa and nearby sixteen well known and popular years of history book and not even in the companions relatives, warriors and governers of Sultan Mehmood Ghaznavi. There is no names of both and any other warriors qutab Haider and Atta ul Allah etc.
We find out the names in a Hairaat and Ghazni. The names which we find out in Hairaat and Ghazni. They are neither progeny of Hazrat Abbas of Hazrat Mohammad Hanfia.
But, their family lineage match with Hazrat Imam Hassan and Hazrat Imam Hussain and with Turkish.
Now, what is the reality? And from where they linked themselves to Hazrat Muhammad Hanfia and included themselves in the progeny of warriors.
In this regard, Ameer Khusro 1253,1325) writes in “Aijaz Khusravi” on “page 55” it is well designed/arranged fiction. Which is consisted of an their lineage history and on the generation to generation, tradition and this journey entered in the English era in Sub continent, then writes the short history of nations and their info related to their tribes.
In the mid of 19th century in India. English set the sequences of different conventions and wrote Gazetteer but these were derived from the local community.
So, the facts which were written in convention but in Gazetteer there is a vibrating and weak ideas and history was also demolish on their closed companions.
Now, there is need of an act that Gazetteer should be verify in the light of English’s arrangement and land related facts/factual land and should try to prove it is the light of land witness and rejected their writings which can’t be proved. Along it, there must be encircle of those Awans who could not include that name at that time but after that, they are showing themselves to be Awans. In that Gazetteers of English the things which were written by facts and figure are authentic but if there is history of any nation, then this history must be verified.
It was the time when Hakeem Ghulam Nabi who lived in Lahore got tension of it, and he gave this responsibility to his region’s Molvi Haider Ludhyanwi who wrote it in 1896.
We are going to start our point of view with the early/initial history’s books.
So, that our reader may get it understood that what’s going on? And who closed his eyes by truth? / closed eyes on seeing truth.

Historical Background of Arabs Arrival in Hind
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