In the past, there were some persons who arranged the families tree of every nation and they can even recall these families tree at different occasions.
Usually, people remembered and they could verbally announced their families lineage. Awans nation was also linked with this principal and there was trend among them since 1980 to write their family lineage and after that capitalist system had demolished all kind of cultures traditions and trends. As it was considered insulting to talk about family lineage. That was the main reason that people even changed their cast, generation. So, that other may not talk about their status/ lineage.
And this way, many Lac people penetrate into many other different nations and many people rushed or penetrated into Awans nation.
The main cause of this destruction was that even Awans themselves were not to be agreed on any fixed point. The people who were not Awans actually, they took the advantage of the spot and started called themselves to be Awans.
In 1860 English gathered people in Sub continent and started their classes and convention and all the inhabitants in all district’s short history, their quantities and strength of communities and family lineage were in sequenced.
The creators of all these were local people who were in flattering of them. English)
Now, the tragedy of Awans was that they did not like English nation. Others nations wrote whats ever, was included all these points in family lineage.
At that time, a nation named “Tawana” was one of the flattened to English. There were long fight between Awans nation and Tawana nation for a log span of time. English ignored Awan’s nation. In Kala Bagh of post “Mianwali”’ Awans had their unique identification and when any Hindu was included or added in their family lineage there is no doubt!
It was directly attack on the Qutab Shah’s personality and his personality got demolished by these sort of attacks.
So, problems appeared/ comes out all over the Sub continent and at the end of 19th century warrior or a militant named H. Ghulam Nabi Awan, was first who decided to write Awans history. And he gave this responsibility to his region person named Molvi Haider Ali Ladhwani. So, Molvi Haider Ali wrote a 1st book, a historical Awans book on the Alvi.
So, we first will say that Hakeem Ghulam Nabi Awan could not get satisfaction from this local fabulous book. In this book Awan nation’s lineage was linked to Hazrat Muhammad Hanfia and it was then rejected by Molvi Haider’s uncle himself.
Don’t know ! Why Molvi Haider Ali a powerful references whose’s talks and points on “Alvi History”. Page 2nd also rejected by him and he tolerate on an affiliated book and his this task gives birth to sectorism and there was a partition among the nation due to it.
Reference by Awans history by Munshee Wazir Ali)
After that,
Ghulam Nabi turned and gave this responsibility to a Awans history book to Molvi Noor ud Din Salmani. Who wrote Zaad ul Awan and Bab ul Awan by keeping in views hard working, honesty and principles of history.
For the research of Bab ul Awan Molvi Noor ud Din travelled East and West, collected books, and he arranged a tremendous kind of book, a sequenced book that present century has no any other reference except that book.
Awans history is not yet completed here.
Molvi Haider Ali wrote a book “ Haideri history” in rejection of it and our discussion will remain in this or confider in this stage.
The books which were written after that, and what kind of language was used in these books, what was their sequences and historical literature was being demolished at
References goes forward generation to generation as traditions goes forward but was written in a bad form of parody and even they neglected families lineage and write in a new way or trend and give strength/light to the false ideas in mind. Although, it was a botched up thoughts and an interesting point is that you will get new family lineage in every book and Awans nation really scraped by all these.
For the eradication of this scraping Muhammad Riaz Anwal Awan wrote a book named “Moarif ul Awan” and when we see on the other side, we really astonished to see the radical exploration done by an honorable person, and member of “Afqar ul Awan” named Gul Sultan Awan and heis first man in Awans tribe who pay attention towards Arabic and Persian books for the sake of affirmations to be Arabs and we’ll see the results of its and consequences of it very soon.
And left the trait or a pathway and started his journey on roads. He does not only searched the references from Arabs and Persians from Awon Bin Yallah but he find out facts of warrior Qutab Haider Shah,Atta ul Allah Shah and Batal Ghazi from the botched up family lineage from Hazrat Muhammad Hanfia.
Before this, Muhammad Riaz Anwal Awan find out the reality of “Malik Ghazi” on the screen.
Refused from it or deny is now just a save and protect repo otherwise, there is nothing which should be appear because everything is now clear by every aspect.
Now the matter is that the people who wrote a ambigious books they are still on their false ideologies due to their stubborn nature.
Reason is that the people who got impression from them may not feel hate or irritation to them.
They know the facts very well but they are not accepting it just due to their false egoisasm and they are showing the wrong path to generation/nation.
Decision of our Awan brothers and sisters will affirmed that who are giving authentic and reality based references and who are involved in ambiguous, fabulous notions and make nation abstray.